Darmowe · Specjalista W Zakresie ICT Stanowisko Administratora

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Published date: Maj 31, 2024 7:04 am

Location: Wrocław, dolnoslaskie, Poland

⭕ The company Dragongaz Sp. z o. o. is hiring a person for the position of ICT specialist Junior sysadmin position with the following qualifications: • At least 2 year of professional experience relevant to the job • Experience with the Windows operating system (MS Active Directory, DHCP, DNS, RDS, ...) • Experience in management software licenses • Knowledge of server, PC workstation and mobile phone/tablet hardware, software and security • Proven track record of supporting Microsoft products (client and server) in a networked environment • Experience with any kind of ERP system preferred but not necessary • Strong knowledge of Microsoft Office (focus on Excel analysis ) • Experience in manage systems backup • Experience in management of LAN/WAN/WiFi network ( if possible based on Cisco technology), • Knowledge of Databases and SQL language • Basic knowledge of programming language (e.g Java ..) • Advanced level in understanding, speaking and writing English language • A real interest in learning and improving his/her knowledge • Ability to work independently, using own initiative • Excellent communication skills Plus: • Experience/ knowledge of any kind of ERP system • Knowledge of Cisco technology • Knowledge of Oracle DB and/or SQL Server • Experience in project management • Knowledge of VOIP technology and PBX systems Osoby zainteresowane pracą prosimy o przesłanie CV i listu motywacyjnego w języku angielskim z dopisaniem następującej klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji tego oraz przyszłych procesów rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dn. 29.08.97 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych Dz. Ust. nr 133 poz.883). Uprzejmie informujemy, że odpowiemy tylko na wybrane oferty.

Numer telefonu: 604709342

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